
JPS Resources: Israel, Antisemitism, and Jewish History

The October 7th terrorist massacre by Hamas, the subsequent Israel/Hamas war, and the ongoing and evolving events in Israel and around the world have underscored how important it is for communities, Jewish and non-Jewish, to understand the history of Israel, Zionism, and antisemitism—and how much misinformation and confusion exist about these topics in many segments of […]

THE JPS TANAKH: Gender-Sensitive Edition

JPS is excited to announce the publication of THE JPS TANAKH: Gender-Sensitive Edition. A ground-breaking partnership with Sefaria, the Gender-Sensitive Edition represents the first substantial revision of our landmark translation of the Tanakh (the Jewish tradition’s term for the Hebrew Bible). The Gender-Sensitive Edition is also now available online at Sefaria, along with the Preface […]

Attention Rabbis and Chaplains: Free JPS Tanakh Offer!

Update, Oct. 2022 To date JPS has distributed 5000 Bibles in this program! We have reached the limit available set by our donor and are seeking additional funds. Please check back for further updates; in the meantime, to receive information about discounts or to add your name to a waitlist for Bibles if this program is […]

Public Programs

May 20, 2024Gender, the Bible, and the Art of TranslationA conversation with Elias Sacks, Director of The Jewish Publication Society, exploring the following questions: How should English translators of the Hebrew Bible approach questions relating to gender? When should gender-inclusive language (such as “God” or “person”) be used for references to God and human beings, […]

Study Guides to JPS Books

Bible StudiesThe Bible’s Many Voices by Michael CarasikCain v. Abel: A Jewish Courtroom Drama by Dan Ornstein (study guide within book)The Commentators’ Bible edited by Michael CarasikJewish Bible Translations by Leonard J. GreenspoonJPS Bible Commentary: Haftarot by Laura Suzanne LieberThe JPS Rashi Discussion Commentary by Steven and Sarah Levy (discussion questions only within book)The Lost […]

Why Buy The Book?

For too many Jewish young people, bar/bat mitzvah has been the beginning of the end of their Jewish journeys. When students perceive the Torah as incomprehensible or irrelevant, many form the false impression that Judaism has nothing to say to them. Enter the game-changer: the JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary shows teens in their own […]

A YEAR WITH THE SAGES: Wisdom on the Weekly Torah Portion – Reviewed by Jack Riemer, The Boston Jewish Advocate

May 2019 – There are two main types of commentary on the Torah and on Rabbinic Literature. One kind is objective scholarship. The other is personal response. In objective scholarship, the writer strives to determine what was the original meaning of the Text. He studies the parallel literatures of antiquity. He uses ancient grammar. And […]

Press on ‘A Year with the Sages’

Publisher’s Weekly: Religion and Spirituality Announcements, 2019 A YEAR WITH THE SAGES: Wisdom on the Weekly Torah Portion – Reviewed by Jack Riemer This is Rabbi Reuven Hammer’s last book, and it is in some senses his best. Reuven Hammer had a long and distinguished career as a rabbi and as an educator during which […]

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