Submission Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in publishing with JPS. To help us determine whether we are the right home for your project, please submit a proposal as described below.

To learn more about our areas of publishing, please read our Call to Authors. Please note that JPS does not publish in the genres of fiction, cooking, poetry, or memoir.

Cover Page

Provide the book’s working title and subtitle, your name and contact information, and a
one- or two-paragraph bio, including relevant credentials and previous publications.

Summary (Précis)

Provide a Table of Contents.

Provide a one-page description of the book.

Manuscript Package Details

Estimate the length (in words) and the earliest delivery date (after contract).

Describe any permissions that will be required and any special needs or features (such
as artwork, color, material in multiple languages, etc.).

Target Audience and Competition

Identify which audiences will be likely to buy this book (scholars, rabbis and clergy,
educators, adult learners, general readers, etc.), including responses to these

  • Does this book have potential as an undergraduate or adult education textbook and, if so, what are its potential sales?
  • Are there institutions or organizations that might buy the book in large quantities?
  • What other titles compete with your proposed work and how does your book differ?

Marketing and Promotion

Explain how you will promote awareness and sales of the book, including responses to
these questions:

  • What publications will be likely to review this book?
  • How will you generate interest in the book?

Preface or Introduction

Provide a Preface or Introduction to the book, amplifying the brief summary above. This Preface or Introduction should demonstrate what is most interesting about the book. If the book has a specific thesis or overarching purpose or argument, state it clearly.

Content Overview

For each chapter provide a one-paragraph summary. If the work uses specialized materials (such as tables, illustrations, excerpts from other works), provide examples.

Sample Chapters

In addition to the introductory material above, provide at least one or two sample chapters (preferably not all from the book’s beginning). This sample should be representative of the totality of the book and show some of its most interesting elements.

Peer Review

Please note that while JPS seeks works in the “accessible academic” niche that appeals
to serious lay readers and scholars alike, all proposals go through a peer review
process by appropriate academics, rabbis, or other experts, in accordance with
protocols developed with our publishing partner, the University of Nebraska Press.


JPS prefers to receive submissions digitally in Microsoft Word; PDF is also acceptable.

Send your completed proposal to:

Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich, JPS Director and Editor-in-Chief

To download a PDF version of these submission guidelines, click here.

To download a Microsoft Word .docx version of these guidelines, click here.

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