2020 Navon, Emmanuel—The Star and the Scepter: A Diplomatic History of Israel November 2020 The first encompassing book on the diplomatic history of the Jewish people retraces and explains the Jews’ interactions with other nations from the ancient kingdom of Israel to the modern State of Israel. Greenspoon, Leonard—Jewish Bible Translations: A Comparative History November […]

JPS Enters Digital Age with Sefaria
May 11, 2017 The 1985 Jewish Publication Society (JPS) Tanakh translation, a celebrated American-Jewish resource, is now available online thanks to Sefaria, a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering open, participatory Jewish learning for the digital era. Since June 2016, the translation has been the default choice on the popular site, which calls itself “a free, […]

The Timely & The Timeless: New Spring Books at JPS
April 2017 /Nissan 5777 Dear Friends, At JPS we strive to publish books that will stand the test of time. We aim for works that will enhance Jewish literacy for years, if not generations. With a shelf full of JPS classics that have remained in print for decades, I don’t think this is an idle boast. […]

Coming Soon: A Centennial Celebration
April 30, 2017 Dear Friends, One hundred years ago JPS published its first translation of the Hebrew Bible.The Holy Scriptures (1917) became the translation of record for the American Jewish community for the next half-century. Finding a place in Jewish homes across America, it sold in the hundreds of thousands, and accompanied Jewish GIs in two […]