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Dedication opportunities for our acclaimed JPS Bible Commentaries series are listed below. To learn more about other forthcoming titles, contact Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich, JPS Director and Editor-in-Chief, at or (215) 832-0607.
A full listing of donor opportunities and benefits is available here.
JPS Bible Commentaries

JPS Bible commentaries are the gold-standard, English-language Jewish commentaries on the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). Each volume provides the Hebrew text of the Bible, the iconic JPS English translation, a line-by-line commentary, and detailed discussions of topics ranging from the Bible’s ancient historical context to its interpretation by communities across history.
The JPS Bible Commentary: Psalms
General Series Editor: Benjamin Sommer
- Commentaries: Benjamin Sommer, Alan Cooper, Yair Zakovitch, Marc Brettler, Adele Berlin
- Ritual and Liturgical Sidebars: Benjamin Sommer, Avigdor Shinan, AJ Berkovitz
This groundbreaking five-volume series illuminates the stirring poetry of the biblical book of Psalms, drawing on the most recent research into the language of the Bible, its literary forms, and the historical context that may have given rise to these poems. The commentary pays special attention to the message of each psalm and to how the poetry shapes that message, while also exploring traditional Jewish interpretations of these texts. For the first time, this series also includes sidebars on the ritual and liturgical uses of these biblical poems, recovering and highlighting diverse uses of each psalm from the ancient world through modernity in communities across North Africa, Yemen, Italy, eastern and western Europe, North America, the state of Israel, and beyond. The first volume—covering Psalms 120-150—appeared in August 2023.
- Volume 1: Psalms 1-30 (Benjamin Sommer) – Forthcoming | Sponsored by Martin Goldman
- Volume 2: Psalms 31-60 (Alan Cooper) – Forthcoming | Sponsor this volume!
- Volume 3: Psalms 61-90 (Yair Zakovitch) – Forthcoming | Sponsor this volume!
- Volume 4: Psalms 91-119 (Marc Brettler) – Forthcoming | Sponsor this volume!
- Volume 5: Psalms 120-150 (Adele Berlin) – Published August 2023 | Sponsored by the Hannah S. and Samuel A. Cohen Memorial Foundation and the Berger Family
The full Psalms series is dedicated in memory of Rabbi André Ungar.
Learn more about this groundbreaking series here.
Learn more about how this series explores the uses of the psalms in diverse Jewish communities here.
The JPS Bible Commentary: Lamentations
Edward Greenstein
This commentary will explore a biblical book that offers a moving collection of sustained yet diverse poetic responses to the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon’s Temple—and that has served as a touchstone for poets and theologians during virtually every cycle of exile and hardship that the Jewish people has endured.
The JPS Bible Commentary: Joshua
Leonard Greenspoon
This commentary will open up a formative period in the Bible’s account of Israelite history: the period during which the Israelites entered the land of Israel after the Exodus from Egypt, becoming a people amid events that have continued to resonate throughout the ages.
The JPS Bible Commentary: Judges
Diane Sharon
This commentary will take up the tumultuous era in biblical history before the Israelites formed a monarchy under Saul, David, and other kings: the era of leaders known as judges, including figures—such as Deborah and Samson—whose stories still captivate readers today.
The JPS Bible Commentary: 1-2 Samuel
Gary Rendsburg
These commentaries will illuminate biblical books that recount the emergence of the ancient Israelite monarchy, exploring the Bible’s political theology, the role of God and humans in Israelite history, and some of the best-known biblical episodes and individuals—including the prayer of Hannah, the rise and fall of Saul, and the complex and challenging figure of King David.
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Other Opportunities
To learn more about other forthcoming titles, contact Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich, JPS Director and Editor-in-Chief, at or (215) 832-0607.