
Studies in the Meaning of Judaism JPS Scholar of Distinction Series

About the Book

Noted educator, author, and speaker Eugene Borowitz delivers the fruits of his scholarship with grace in this new addition to the JPS Scholar of Distinction series. Gathered in this single volume are 33 essays covering the themes of modern Jewish theology, education, the history of Reform Judaism in America, Jewish law, ethics, and religious dialogue. This collection will appeal to a wide audience, including rabbis; scholars; and readers of religion, modern Jewish thought, and liturgy.

View other titles in The JPS Scholar of Distinction series.

Eugene B. Borowitz

Eugene B. Borowitz was Sigmund L. Falk Distinguished Professor of Education and Jewish Religious Thought at the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion in New York, where he taught for over 40 years. For 25 years, he was the editor of Sh’ma, a Journal of Jewish Responsibility, which brought together writers and readers from across the entire spectrum of the Jewish community. He was an award-winning author of numerous books, including Renewing the Covenant: A Postmodern Jewish Theology and The Jewish Moral Virtues, coauthored with Frances Weinman Schwartz.

Eugene B. Borowitz, JPS author, Scholar of Distinction, and former board member is considered the leading Reform Jewish theologian of our time. JPS mourned his death on January 22, 2016 at the age of 91.

Photo: Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

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