
Naomi’s Song

  • Selma Kritzer Silverberg (author)
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About the Book

Ages 12 and up.

A modern midrash for teenage girls.

Set in the fortified city of Bethlehem and the mountainous towns of Moab, this young adult novel imagines the life of the biblical Naomi and her deep friendship with her daughter-in-law Ruth. It traces Naomi’s suffering at the hands of warring tribes; her struggles as a woman of low rank in the ancient world; and Ruth’s and Naomi’s perseverance, both individually and together. Filled with adventure and romance, this modern midrash is a story of personal growth, female friendship, and the power of inner strength.


2010 Sydney Taylor Book Award, Honor Book for Teen Readers


Silverberg immerses the reader in the era, giving us insights into the experiences and qualities that made Naomi such a strong and dedicated woman.


…This narrative features an old-fashioned style, yet its strong, resilient female characters display an inner strength that adds a very modern, universal appeal…it’s the romance and adventure that will keep readers turning pages. A natural choice for religious collections…

—ALA Booklist

Selma Kritzer Silverberg

Selma Kritzer Silverberg was born in 1908 in Cleveland, Ohio. She wrote Naomi’s Song in 1959 as a birthday gift for her daughter, Judy, but it lay hidden until its discovery, after her death, in the spring of 2005.

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