Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff
Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff is rector and Sol and Anne Dorff Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at American Jewish University. His many books on Jewish ethics and law include Modern Conservative Judaism (JPS, 2018), For the Love of God and People (JPS, 2007), Love Your Neighbor and Yourself (JPS, 2003), Matters of Life and Death (JPS, 1998), and the National Jewish Book Award–winner To Do the Right and the Good (JPS, 2002).
Ethics at the Center
Modern Conservative Judaism
Jews and Genes
To Do the Right and the Good
Matters of Life and Death
Love Your Neighbor and Yourself
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: War and National Security
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Social Justice
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Sex and Intimacy
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Power
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Money
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Body
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices (6-Volume Set)
For the Love of God and People