Archive by Author

Press – The Land of Truth

To Tell the Truth or Not: A Talmudic Perspective – Reform Learning from Our Stories by Joanne Palmer – The Jewish Standard JWeekly Best Jewish Books of 2018 Video/Podcast Interview with Yeshiva University’s Daniel Rynhold  The Forward: Why We Should Teach Our Children Talmud Folktales by Ilana Kurshan The Jewish Link of New Jersey: […]

Rabbi Elliot Dorff on the Joys & Challenges of Conservative Judaism

What do you hope people will learn about Conservative Judaism through this book? I have dedicated this book “with deep appreciation for the people and institutions of the Conservative movement, who have gifted me with a form of Judaism that is totally honest and intellectually challenging while also being vibrant, joyful, caring, morally sensitizing, and […]

Book reviews – Path of the Prophets

Ponderings on a Faith Journey The Jewish Standard Jewish Book Council The Bible Today  

Book Reviews – The Zionist Ideas

The Algemeiner Journal : Top 100 People Positively Influencing Jewish Life The Most Interesting Jews of 5779 – The Jerusalem Post Bridge Building Between Israeli and American Jews is Underway   Jewish Review of Books Jerusalem Post Commentary Hadassah Magazine ‘The Zionist Ideas’ Reclaims Women’s Voices Hadassah Zionism Shaped American Zionism JTA Israel […]

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